

  • 5th Annual General Meeting and Board Nominations 2024

    2024 15TH AGM

    Dear Member,

    I hope this mail finds you well.

    The President of the ISACA Kampala Chapter has communicated the date for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) as Friday 26th April 2024.

    The AGM will be held at Hotel Africana, Kampala starting at 6.30 pm.

    The AGM will include the following key activities:

    - Presentation of the Annual Report

    - Presentation of the Auditor's Report

    - Election of a new Chapter Board of Directors for 2024-2026

    A detailed agenda will be communicated along with a link to the AGM documents (minutes and audited financials) prior to the date of the AGM.

    During the AGM, members will elect a new Board of Directors to lead the Chapter through 2024-2026. It is a requirement by ISACA International that all electable positions be declared to the membership before the AGM.

    Chapter Board Officers:

    1. President

    2. Vice President

    3. Secretary

    4. Treasurer

    5. Communications Director

    6. Membership Director

    7. Certification Director

    8. IT Governance Director

    9. Marketing Director

    10. Academic Relations Director

    11. Director at Large (2)

    12. Immediate Past President (Non-Electable)

    A description of the roles of all the Chapter Board Officers, extracted from the bylaws, has been attached to this email.

    The Chapter Board Officers will be voted into office at the AGM to serve on the ISACA Kampala Chapter Board for the year 2024 to 2026.

    I hereby invite nominations for candidates for the above with the following guidance:

    ● To qualify for the position of a Chapter Board Officer, one MUST have been a member of ISACA for a minimum of three consecutive years; and is a member in good standing with no outstanding membership fees.

    ● Each candidate shall complete a willingness to serve form.

    ● A member can nominate him/herself for any role.

    ● Serving on the ISACA Kampala Chapter Board is purely voluntary, there is no compensation extended to any Board member

    The nominations process will be handled by a Nominating Committee of five members who have been drawn from the Chapter Membership.

    ● Nominees will be required to complete a profile form along with a willingness to serve form which are attached to this email.

    ● Nominations will be received by the Nominating Committee by email – nominations@isaca.or.ug from 3rd to 9th April 2024, closing at 2359hrs GMT+3 on 9th April 2024.

    ● The Nominating Committee will present the eligible candidates on 15th April 2024

    ● Eligible Candidates will hold their campaigns from 16th to 25th April 2024

    ● The AGM and the elections will be held in-person on Friday 26th April 2024

    We look forward to you participating in this important Chapter process.

    We thank you for choosing to be a member of ISACA Kampala Chapter.

    Yours in service,

    Bernard Wanyama CISA, CRISC, CGEIT, CISM

    Chapter President


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